Natalie's Autumn Wedding Flowers, New Place

Well the catching up isn't going too well but I have managed to sort a few shots to share from Natalie's lovely autumn wedding at New Place. Some lovely ideas here for anyone looking for inspiration for an autumn wedding.

Natalie's beautiful, white and green bouquet using roses, bouvardia and lisianthus with a little gyp and mixed foliage. 

Lanterns, candles and scattered rose petals used to decorate the aisle.

The view as the bride enters the Bristol room at New Place. The stunning fireplace looks amazing decorated with a trailing mantle design with candles and a pedestal design either side.

Fireplace flowers in whites and greens, simple, natural but still elegant. I've used roses, lisianthus, gyp, green skimmia, oak leaf and ivy trails to create the effect.

Gorgeous idea for an autumn table centre. Tall vase of curly twigs and lisianthus flowers. The table below is decorated with massed tea lights and scattered oak leaves to create a wonderfully warm autumn look.

Green Oak leaves make beautiful and very natural place cards.

Storm lanterns, candles and scattered oak leaves on the window ledges make the perfect finishing touch.

That just leaves me to say thank you so much Natalie for asking me to design and create your wedding flowers for you. I absolutely loved working on this lovely scheme and seeing all the ideas come together on the day for you.

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